
Explore the captivating $HEDGE token ecosystem, masterminded by a team of Liquidity Provider experts, addicted to the decentralized finance since the early stages of Uniswap. Embark on a journey as we revolutionize the financial landscape with our innovative decentralized hedge fund. Utilizing the transparent and secure capabilities of blockchain technology, we bring you an unparalleled passive experience.

What makes $HEDGE so unique ?

$HEDGE stands tall as the pioneer in the realm of Web3 decentralized Hedge Funds. It's not your average DeFi project but a gateway to a team dedicated to diligently working every day to secure the best APR opportunities for you. It allows you to tap into the incredible APR opportunities provided by concentrated liquidity on Defi AMM platforms like Uniswap V3, all while protecting your capital from the risks of inexperience. What sets it apart is the unique proposition - you don't have to hand over your funds to the project for management. We solely manage the 75% of $CMB tax fees, making the process transparent and aligned with your interests.

Understanding the Tokenomics

The $HEDGE token has a finite supply of 100 million tokens on each blockchain. The 5%/5% buy and sell tax breaks down like this :

  • Marketing: 25%

While 25% might seem frugal for marketing in the crypto space, we're keeping our eyes on the real prize - our AUM. Think of it as a sneak peek into the HEDGE universe before we hit the big screen. Unfortunately, Crypto is not only about tech and fundamentals anymore; it's mostly about creating a buzz.

  • AUM: 75%

All these taxes goes straight to our AUM wallet, where we execute strategic moves - trading it for other cryptos and forming the liquidity pairs that keep our ship sailing smoothly. For now, the AUM is under the careful watch of our core team, experts in managing liquidity positions. We've been doing this full time for several years, navigating the unpredictable seas of Defi since the very beginning of Uniswap. In a crypto sea filled with scams and rug pulls, we stand apart. Some projects misuse fees, adding them to their own liquidity pair, creating a loop that resembles a Ponzi scheme - it thrives only as long as newcomers inject fresh money, then everything collapses. But not us. We never add liquidity to our own pair. Our daily task is to work relentlessly, relying not on a scheme, but on the genuine expertise of our core team. It's only through our daily efforts that we craft the revenue streams for our AUM, and it's from those streams that we generate the revshare for our holders. But here's the exciting part - once our project grows, the DAO takes over the AUM. It's not just a change, it's a sign of the decentralized future we're creating. The core team's expertise in liquidity management sets the stage for the DAO to run the show, making sure that as we evolve, the brilliance of our AUM strategy stays front and center.

Stealth Launch Information

Token Allocation Breakdown

The $HEDGE allocation breakdown is pretty simple :

  • Liquidity Pool: 100%

Yes, you're right : fair launch, no presale, fair distribution, no team token, no partnerships token, and 100% of the $HEDGE tokens initially deposited in the liquidity pool!

Last updated